S&H Seniors Golf League

S&H Seniors Golf League

The S&H Seniors Golf League is open to all senior golfers, both men and women, ages 55 years and older. Member volunteers with the support of the Schaumburg Park District and Schaumburg Golf Club run the League. The purpose of the League is to:

Have fun enjoying the game of golf.
Have friendly competition.
Meet new friends.

The League Committee is responsible for the operation of the League, including the planning and scheduling of Open Play and Special Events, the Awards Banquet and other League activities. The League Committee meets two times a year. All members are invited to attend the meetings and suggestions are welcome.

The League’s annual Organizational Meeting is held in April, at which time the League’s plans and schedule of events are presented to its members.

The League’s season begins the first Tuesday of May and runs through the last Tuesday of September. The Awards Banquet is held after the season in October.

League Membership

In February or early March, prior year members are sent a Registration Letter and Membership Registration Form. New Members can obtain the letter and form from the SGC Pro Shop or by sending an e-mail request to shseniorsgolfleague@gmail.com. The Membership Registration Form must be completed and returned with the required fee to the SGC Pro Shop to be a League Member for the current season.

Members may be ejected from the League for any of the following:

  1. Displaying bad sportsmanship or personal conduct.
  2. Missing excessive days after signing up to play that are not related to weather. The Committee will monitor this throughout the year.
  3. Falsifying a score for a Special Event.
  4. Knowingly failing to report a member’s bad sportsmanship or personal conduct.
  5. Knowingly failing to report a member’s falsification of their scorecard.
League Fees

The League’s yearly membership fee is due at the time of registration. Refunds of the membership fee will be granted per Schaumburg Park District policy.

Members are responsible for their own green and cart fees, which are payable to the golf course on the day of play.

Members attending the Awards Banquet must pay the banquet fee for themselves and their guests. No refunds of the Awards Banquet Fee will be granted after the registration deadline.

League Format

The League’s season consists of 9-hole Open Play (social golf) and Special Events (competitive golf). A Chip-in Pot is open to all members on all League scheduled Open Play and Special Event days except for the days of the Scramble and the 2-Flight Scramble events. All play will be in accordance with the League Rules of Golf.

Handicaps and Tees

The League is responsible for maintaining records of members’ scores and determining handicaps in accordance with a modified USGA Handicap System. Open Play and S&H Classic Special Event scores are used to determine handicaps. Members must establish a handicap with a minimum of 3 rounds. During Open Play, two or more members are required in a group for scores to be accepted for handicapping. New members who want to establish a handicap early in the season can do so by golfing 9 holes with any other member any day of the week at SGC. The scorecard must be signed by the scorer and the attester and turned in to the Handicap/Chip-in Pot Committee.

Women play from the cedar tees and men play from the grey tees.

Men 85 and older may elect to play from the cedar tees and can compete in all Special Events after establishing a handicap from the cedar tees. If an eligible member elects to golf from the forward tees, the League must be notified and that member can ONLY play from the forward tees for the remainder of the season.

Awards Banquet

The League celebrates the end of the season with an Awards Banquet, which includes a luncheon and the awarding of trophies and prize money.

League members attending the Awards Banquet can win prizes through chance drawings held at the Awards Banquet.

Golfer's Guide

The Golfer's Guide contains complete League information and is available from the SGC Pro Shop.

Contact Information

League Email - shseniorsgolfleague@gmail.com

SGC Pro Shop - 847-885-9000 Ext. 1